
Efficax Fidelis provide Trading Compliance Inspectin Services,Pre-Shipment Inspection (Previo en Origen), Quality Control (QC Assurance Inspection Services) based in Singapore, and access to Bangladesh, China, Guatemala, India, México, Vietnam and Soth East Asia.

Inspection and Audit Services


Trading Compliance Assurance Inspection – (Previo en Origen) The Pre-Shipment Inspection, is carried out in the country where the merchandise comes from, thanks to this, it is possible to offer significant savings in time, allowing to obtain a prior awareness of the status of the merchandise.

This procedure allows us to anticipate the import process by preparing the necessary documentation and verify if the goods comply with the regulations and import regulations required by customs legislation.This procedure allows importers to save time by doing the inspection from China instead of doing it at the destination ports as usually done. Likewise this process will help the importer to avoid the payment of container delays due to errors in labels or documents.

The customer will have the certainty and full knowledge about what will be consolidated in the container giving certainty about the time of customs clearance.
The import time will stop from being an unknown variable to a known constant.

Factory Audit

We verify that your future supplier is a real and established manufacturer under the commercial and labor laws of the country is supposed to be located, taking into account the capacity and experience as a potential supplier, avoiding scams and suppliers without sufficient experience and capacity.

Quality Inspection – QC - AQL

We ensure that the supplier has the industrial capacity to produce their goods by applying quality control systems during the production processes. EFFICAX carries out quality inspections under the international standard of military origin ISO 2851-1 (ANSI / ASQC Z1.4-2003) better known as Acceptance Quality Level, AQL for its acronym in English (Acceptable Quality Level). This system is based on a sampling, which is analyzed based on "the maximum percentage of defects that can be considered satisfactory for the chosen sample".


We facilitate your investments and make your business opportunities grow by having direct contact with your suppliers continuously, as well as giving timely follow-up to your purchase orders.

Consulting and Market

Specialized Services for Cost Optimization in Supply Chain.

Services for Cost Optimization in Supply Chain.

Solutions for Cost Optimization and Efficiency in Supply Chain.


The main benefits of our services are the savings in costs and time, in addition to the real knowledge of the Asian and Latin American supply chains.

The use of logistics analysis, Market Intelligence tools, statistical controls, our own infrastructure and manpower gives us the advantage of reaching a place others can not reach and giving the best solution to the needs of our customers at the most competitive cost.

We have inspected and audited more than 60,000 Purchase Orders (P.O.) and more than 50,000 containers, generating for our customers reliability, certainty and security.

Efficax Fidelis es responsable de recabar sus datos personales, del uso que se le dé a los mismos y de su protección. Su información personal será utilizada para proveer los servicios y productos que solicite, informarle sobre cambios en los mismos y evaluar la calidad del servicio que le brindamos. Para las finalidades antes mencionadas, requerimos obtener los siguientes datos personales a través de nuestra sección de contacto: nombre completo, compañía, dirección, email y teléfono.
Usted tiene derecho de acceder, rectificar y cancelar sus datos personales, así como oponerse al tratamiento de los mismos o revocar el consentimiento, todo esto a través de los procedimientos que hemos implementado en los correos generados de forma automática desde nuestro servidor. Para conocer dichos procedimientos, los requisitos y plazos, se puede poner en contacto a través de:, Cualquier modificación a este aviso de privacidad podrá consultarla en